Defamation Lawyer Sydney

Hire a Lawyer for Defamation & Put a Stop to Your Reputational Damage

With the growth of social media use in recent years, there has been a surge in internet defamation claims, making it more critical than ever to engage with experienced defamation lawyers.

At McMahons Lawyers, we provide effective legal advice and representation for our clients in all types of defamation matters.

If you are in a situation where you feel that you have been defamed, you need one of the best defamation law firms on your side. You can rely on our expert defamation lawyers to best assist you in pursuing your defamation case.

Contact us today to book a consultation with one of our esteemed legal representatives to discuss your matter and the options available to you.

Why Choose McMahons Lawyers?

Bryan McMahon is the Principal Lawyer in our defamation law department. We are on the New South Wales Law Society referral panel for defamation cases. McMahons Lawyers provides defamation legal advice to both plaintiffs and defendants.

We are experienced in running associated actions for injurious falsehood and misleading communication and deceptive conduct. This is a complicated area of the law and involves, among other things, a choice of the most appropriate jurisdiction.

Our lawyers will take the time to listen carefully to the details and circumstances of your case, as well as what your goals are for resolving the situation, and use this information to plan a strategic approach to your matter.

A Track Record of Delivering Results in Defamation Cases

Whether you need to get a false statement retracted, an apology from someone who made an incorrect negative statement about you on social media, or a resolution from a defamation claim against somebody who spread false rumours about your business leading to significant losses – chances are McMahons Lawyers can help with the defamation proceedings.

At McMahons Lawyers, we are an experienced defamation law firm, and our lawyers regularly appear on the defamation lists. For example, in a recent case, we acted for a plaintiff in a matter which ran for six weeks. We obtained a jury verdict in favour of the plaintiff, who was awarded the then Australian record amount for general damages for defamation act under the UDL.

For any questions regarding your defamation claim, speak to our team today to help you find the best legal outcome for your situation.

Results in Defamation Law

Awards We Have Won

Boutique Insurance
Law Firm Australia
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Insurance Law Firm Annual Awards Winner Australia 2023

Awards of Excellence 2023

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Defamation Law: Frequently Asked Questions

Defamation occurs when a person’s reputation is negatively impacted based on what has been stated or written about them.

Defamation is based on two factors:

  1. An individual or company has stated something about you that has been overheard. (However, it is not classified as defamation if it was said in confidentiality.)
  2. What has been stated or written about you could negatively affect your reputation.

Defamatory material is any published material or work that degrades a person’s reputation. Examples of defamatory materials include:

  • Audio
  • Blogs
  • Cartoons or Drawings
  • Emails
  • Handwritten letters
  • Newspapers
  • Online reviews
  • Paintings
  • Pictures
  • Social media
  • Spoken and verbal communication (a defamatory comment stated to someone else)
  • Television
  • Video

It is recommended to undergo legal proceedings for defamation action within the course of 12 months after the issue of the defamatory material. In most cases, it is unauthorised to do court proceedings after a year of publication. If accepted for a reasonable explanation, the court can provide an extension of 3 years at most post the issue date.

The time limit for a defamation case can be extended by the court in limited circumstances where the individual was uninformed about the defamatory posts after the expiration of the time limit. The court can also grant the extension of strict time limits in cases where the individual couldn’t find the publisher prior to the 1-year time limit.

It can be extremely complex to get an extension. That is why it is crucial to take court action right away by getting a defamation lawyer to assist you with your case.

Whether you are one person that has been defamed or an entire business at reputational risk, you are allowed to sue more than one individual or business for the defamatory statements being made. This includes the individual who made defamatory comments and those who published the person quoted. However, the comment doesn’t have to be published for you to take defamation action. You can sue even in situations whereby one person overheard the comment or had viewed it via email, depending on the case.

Because defamation is a civil matter, defamatory cases are handled through the court system without needing to get the police involved. Therefore, they have to pay penalties which we refer to as “damages”, as well as the legal costs involved during legal proceedings.

The penalties for defamation cases vary from small amounts to thousands and millions, depending on the severity of the situation. In matters whereby the defamatory material has made a significant impact on the individual (e.g., financial burden), this is where the penalty would be higher. For this reason, it is essential to get advice from an expert defamation lawyer immediately.

The cost of defamation claim will depend upon the severity of the case. Book a consultation and one of our defamation lawyers can provide you with a quote.

02 9011 5638

Book a time for a free phone consultation to discuss your needs with us.

We offer in-depth knowledge and commitment to ensuring our clients receive the fairest treatment.

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Hire a Lawyer for Defamation & Put a Stop to Your Reputational Damage

With the growth of social media use in recent years, there has been a surge in internet defamation claims, making it more critical than ever to engage with experienced defamation lawyers.

At McMahons Lawyers, we provide effective legal advice and representation for our clients in all types of defamation matters.

If you are in a situation where you feel that you have been defamed, you need one of the best defamation law firms on your side. You can rely on our expert defamation lawyers to best assist you in pursuing your defamation case.

Contact us today to book a consultation with one of our esteemed legal representatives to discuss your matter and the options available to you.